Monday, 5 December 2022


Mon 5th Dec 22

A late start for me after the dentists but quiet all round, a short look out to sea gave just 1 Com. Scoter, 1 Shelduck (s) and a Cormorant (n), Pete and Dave had a couple of Gannets earlier.

c80 Greylag were on the marsh north of the hide as were 60+ Lapwing, but duck number were well down. Pete and Dave had some Curlew and a Rock Pipit on a walk to the Frinton end.

Sadly Matt Lonsdale found a dead Peregrine on the beach, hopefully not a sign of things to come.

Reports from today:

Matt Lonsdale

12:23 Unfortunately a dead peregrine on the beach at haven just now. Potentially an AI victim, will ring defra hotline when back. Worth keeping an eye out for any other dead birds in area!

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