Thursday 10 October 2024


Thurs 10th Oct 24

Several Swallows and House Martins moving through mid morning and 20+ Goldfinch dropped into the Dell sallows before moving on.

3 Turnstone were on the sluice with a large group of gulls including Herring Gull "WLA" a 12yr old regular ringed as a chick in the Port of Felixstowe.

From the hide: 33 Greylag (lots more on the marsh below the raised platform), 100+ Teal, 31 Wigeon, 4 Shoveler, c40 Lapwing, 1 Avocet, 2 Cormorant, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Lt. Egret, 140+ Blk H Gulls, 2 Med Gulls, 2 Peregrine (on the arable), 1 Marsh Harrier, more Swallows & House Martin, Reed Bunting & Mippits.

I will be away for the next week but hope to catch up with reports next weekend

Reports from today

Laurence Drumond

08:00 3 Gannet and Skua sp north.

08:16 Auk north, poss Razor.

08:56 RT Diver on sea off sailing club.

Simon Cox

09:01 Sooty Shearwater going north past shelter.

11:27 4 Red-throats 0845-1015

Matt Lonsdale

11:12 Pied Flycatcher farm pond

14:41 Great morning at haven- 

Highlights the sooty, pied fly and yellowhammer south. Whinchat and 3 wheatear also around the site as well as lots of pipits. Surprisingly good vismig too, inc c500 house Martin and good numbers of mipits, goldfinch, alba wags, Reed bunts etc. 

Photo Matt Lonsdale©

The Pied Fly was still present in willow in middle of pond viewed from north track @11:45

Richard Jeffree

15:55 Pied fly still present farm pond +2 chiff.

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