Tuesday 6 August 2024


Tues 6th Aug 24

Reports from today

Graham Sutton

08:46 2 Green & 3 Common Sands again on scrape. 4 Snipe. 83 Blackwits. 17 Avocets. Light wader movement earlier from shelter inc 2 Whimbrel & 1 Barwit, but bushes behind fence are seriously impairing viewing.

09:05 Forgot to add 1 juv Wood Sand.

Pete Loud

18:20 Nice visit to the Scrape mid afternoon cloudy and nice and cool made for good viewing,.4 Common Sand, 3 Green Sand, took me at least an hour to find the Wood Sand, it was rather elusive, 55 Blackwit, 10 Avocet, 2 Snipe, couple of light showers got a few Swifts moving low south late afternoon about. 40+.

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