Saturday 1 June 2024


Sat 1st June 24

Reports from today

Steve Entwistle

08:20 Going south,1 Fulmar, 10 Gannets so far since 7.30am.

16:25  7.30 to 12.30 Sea watch shelter, joined by RJ & SC some of the time.1 Common Scoter, 4 Sandwich Tern (2 me), Kittiwake 1 RJ  1 Poss SE), 7 Fulmar (SE) 2 might have doubled back. 36 Gannets (SE) plus about 10 missed. Very enjoyable.

Simon Cox

12:55 Sea watch with SE (& briefly RJ): personal total in 80 mins, Gannet 15, Fulmar 4+, C Scoter 1, Med Gull 1. 

Hide: L Egret 1, Grey Heron 2, Cormorant 2, Marsh Harrier 1, Red Kite 1, Avocet 27, Lapwing 4, Oystercatcher 2, Redshank 1, Blackwit 4, Common Sand 1, Teal 3, Shoveler 1, Tufted D 1, Gadwall 11, Mallard 25, Shelduck 15 ads 16 ducklings, Swift 6, Swallow 25+, House Martin 15+, Cetti’s W 1, Y Wagtail 1.

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