Sunday 21 July 2024


Sun 21st July 24

Just 1 Wood Sand, 3 Commons and a Green Sand during the morning, plus bird of the day a Water Rail seen a couple of times along the back of the scrape to the left of the island. Otherwise much the same with lots of Mallard & Shoveler, 5 Teal, 43 Blk T Godwit, 29 Avocet, 1 Lapwing, 1 Oystercatcher, Sedge & Reed Warbler, and a few Swallows. SC/RJ/MO'H/MR.

Reports from today:

Simon Cox

09:37 Wood Sand back of scrape with Green & Common

Paul Brayshaw

10:35 Very leisurely dog walk in gc and adjacent sea wall areas - single Whimbrel on gc, two Common Sands by raised tee, c10 Sand Martin

Matt Lonsdale

17:09 Haven this afternoon- 4 Common, 3 Green and single Wood Sand. 6 Teal and a Med Gull on scrape. Offshore 6 Meds, 4 Whimbrel.

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