Friday 10 May 2024


Fri 10th May 24

A pair of Tufted Duck were new for the year today otherwise as the reports below.

Reports from today:

Mike O'Hanlon

10:01 2 Greenshank on flood at back of HH scrape.

10:06 1 G’shank now moved to back of scrape.

Brian Combes

Walk from Frinton to Haven and back via farm this morning included: 2 Yellow Wag (on the flood), 2 Corn Bunting (singing, 1 along footpath to farm, 1 by paddocks), 7 Chiff (singing), 2 House Martin, 18 Swallow, 7 Cetti’s (singing), 57 Linnet (including flocks of 25 on seawall, 10 western end of carpark, 15 on arable), 5 Whimbrel, 7 Reed Bunting (singing), 8 Reed Warbler (singing), 1 Cuckoo (singing), 4 Sedge Warbler (singing), 12 Whitethroat (singing), 7 Oystercatcher, 3 Sandwich Tern (north), 3 Lesser Whitethroat (singing), 20 Avocet, 1 Dunlin (flood), 1 Grey Heron, 1 Greenshank (scrape), 3 Shoveler, 5 Blackcap (singing), 2 Gadwall, 3 Buzzard, 1 Red-legged Partridge, 2 Chinese muntjac, 1 Chinese water deer, 6 Hare, 1 Adder.

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